Polo Collar | Polo Kragen

Polo Collar | Polo Kragen

€ 69,00



Material: 50% Polyacryl, 34% Modacryl, 16% Polyester

Pelzlänge: 65-95mm

Hergestellt aus Webpelz und von Hand in unserem Studio in Bad Ischl | Salzkammergut veredelt.

Teile deine Strickprojekte mit uns auf Instagram und verlinke uns mit @lovafur und dem Hashtag #lovafur.

Viel Freude beim Stricken.



Material: 50% Polyacryl, 34% Modacryl, 16% Polyester

Pile: 65-95mm

Dear Customer, with the purchase of our product you have chosen the the animal friendly alternative!

We only use best quality fake fur for the manufacture in our atelier in the 

beautiful region so called Salzkammergut. 

For our products were no animals harmed!

100% VEGAN! FUR free FUR

Color | Farbe:
Zum Warenkorb hinzufügen

Deluxe Faux Fur Brand handmade in the idyllic region of the so called “Salzkammergut”.

For the Ready to Wear Collection are only best quality fake fur used for the manufacture in the Faux Fur Atelier. 

Every item is exclusively made by hand from the first cut to the last seam in Bad Ischl - Austria.

All products are manufactured in the traditional way of tailoring and are unique on its own.

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